The Orphan and the Power of Sadaqah (Charity)

A Boy with Nothing but Faith

In the city of Medina, there lived a young orphan named Umar. His parents had passed away when he was a child, leaving him with nothing but his faith in Allah. He worked tirelessly, carrying water for people and doing small tasks just to earn a few coins for food.

One day, as he walked through the marketplace, he saw a poor old man sitting under the hot sun, hungry and weak. Umar had only one loaf of bread, his only meal for the day. Remembering the words of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ):

“Charity does not decrease wealth.” (Muslim, 2588)

He took a deep breath, smiled, and handed his bread to the old man. “May Allah bless you,” he said before walking away with an empty stomach but a full heart.

An Unexpected Blessing

That night, Umar sat in the masjid, making dua. He prayed, “Ya Allah, I have nothing but You. Provide for me as You provide for all Your creation.”

The next morning, as he was about to start his daily work, a wealthy merchant stopped him. “Young boy, are you looking for work?” he asked.

Umar nodded eagerly. The merchant smiled and said, “I saw what you did for the old man yesterday. I need an honest and kind-hearted boy to help manage my shop. Will you work for me?”

Overjoyed, Umar accepted. Over time, his dedication and honesty impressed the merchant, who treated him like a son. Years later, Umar became the owner of the business, a successful man known for his generosity.

The Power of Sadaqah

One day, an orphan boy approached him, asking for food. Without hesitation, Umar gave him a warm meal and said, “I was once like you. But Allah never leaves those who give for His sake.”

Moral Lessons

  1. Sadaqah Never Reduces Wealth – The more you give, the more Allah blesses you.
  2. Help Others, and Allah Will Help You – Umar’s kindness to the old man opened doors for him.
  3. Trust in Allah’s Provision – Even when you have little, Allah can replace it with something greater.
  4. Give Without Expecting in Return – True charity is done for Allah’s sake, not for rewards.

May Allah grant us the ability to give freely and trust in His provisions. Ameen.

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