The Carpenter and the Three Pieces of Advice

A Man in Search of Wealth

Once, in a small village, there lived a hardworking carpenter named Salman. He was skilled in his craft but struggled to make a decent living. One day, a wealthy trader from a distant land visited his workshop and was impressed by his work.

The trader said, “Salman, come with me to my city. Work for me, and I will make you rich.”

Salman hesitated but thought, “Perhaps this is my chance for a better life.” He agreed to go but asked the trader, “Before I leave, will you give me three pieces of advice that will help me in life?”

The trader smiled and said, “Very well. I will give you one piece of advice now, the second during our journey, and the third when we reach my home.”

The First Advice: Control Your Anger

Before they set off, the trader told Salman, “Never make decisions when you are angry, for anger blinds the heart and leads to regret.”

Salman nodded and they began their journey.

The Second Advice: Do Not Act Without Proof

As they traveled, they stopped at a village for the night. While Salman was resting, he overheard two men whispering, “This trader is rich. We should rob him.”

Salman became furious and wanted to confront them immediately. But he remembered the trader’s advice—never act in anger. Instead, he quietly observed and soon realized the men were talking about someone else, not the trader.

When they left the village the next morning, the trader gave him the second piece of advice: “Never believe everything you hear without proof. Acting without knowledge leads to mistakes.”

Salman realized he could have attacked innocent men based on a misunderstanding.

The Third Advice: Trust in Allah’s Plan

When they finally reached the trader’s grand home, Salman was eager for his last lesson. The trader smiled and said, “The third piece of advice is: Never regret what is already decreed by Allah, for He knows what is best for you.”

Then the trader handed Salman a large bag of gold and said, “Your work is done, and this is your reward.”

Shocked, Salman asked, “I have not even worked for you yet!”

The trader replied, “Your test was not about carpentry but about wisdom. You followed my advice and proved you were worthy of success. Use this wealth wisely and remember to always trust in Allah.”

Moral Lessons

  1. Control Your Anger – Anger leads to regret, but patience leads to wisdom.
  2. Do Not Act Without Proof – Making decisions based on rumors can cause harm.
  3. Trust in Allah’s Plan – Everything happens for a reason, and Allah’s wisdom is greater than ours.

Salman returned to his village, not just a rich man but a wise man, spreading the lessons he had learned.

May Allah grant us wisdom and patience in our lives. Ameen.

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