Islamic teachings emphasize gratitude, humility, and generosity. One of the profound stories narrated in Sahih Al-Bukhari is that of three men—a leper, a bald man, and a blind man—who were tested by Allah (SWT) through an angel. This story carries valuable lessons about the blessings we receive and how we should respond to them.
The Angel’s Visit
Once, there lived three men suffering from different ailments. One was afflicted with leprosy, the second was bald, and the third was blind. To test their faith and gratitude, Allah (SWT) sent an angel to them.
The Leper’s Wish
The angel first visited the leper and asked him, “What is it that you desire the most?”
The leper replied, “I wish to have good skin and be relieved of this disease, as people dislike me because of it.” The angel touched him, and his skin was instantly healed, becoming beautiful and free from disease.
The angel then asked, “What kind of wealth do you wish for?”
The man responded, “I desire camels.” So the angel gifted him a pregnant camel, saying, “May Allah bless it for you.”
The Bald Man’s Wish
The angel then approached the bald man and asked, “What is it that you desire the most?”
The bald man replied, “I wish to have beautiful hair and be rid of my baldness, as people dislike me because of it.” The angel touched his head, and his hair grew back beautifully.
The angel asked, “What kind of wealth do you wish for?”
The man chose cows, so the angel gifted him a pregnant cow and said, “May Allah bless it for you.”
The Blind Man’s Wish
Finally, the angel visited the blind man and asked, “What do you desire the most?”
The blind man replied, “I wish that Allah restores my sight so that I may see again.” The angel touched his eyes, and his vision was restored.
When asked what wealth he desired, the man chose sheep. The angel granted him a pregnant sheep, saying, “May Allah bless it for you.”
The Test of Gratitude
Over time, the animals multiplied, and all three men became wealthy. The leper had a valley full of camels, the bald man had a valley of cows, and the blind man had a valley of sheep.
Then, the angel returned, this time disguised as a poor traveler. He approached each of the men and requested help.
- The leper, when asked for a camel, denied that he was ever sick and refused to give anything.
- The bald man, when asked for a cow, also denied his past affliction and refused to help.
- The blind man, however, responded humbly, “I was once blind, and Allah restored my sight. Take whatever you wish from my wealth, for it is all from Him.”
The Final Verdict
The angel then revealed his identity and declared:
- “You have been tested. Since you denied Allah’s favor, your blessings will be taken away,” he told the leper and the bald man. Their wealth disappeared, and they returned to their former conditions.
- “You have passed the test. Keep your blessings, for Allah is pleased with you,” he told the blind man, allowing him to retain his wealth and health.
Moral Lessons from the Story
- Gratitude: Always acknowledge and be thankful for the blessings Allah (SWT) has given you.
- Generosity: Wealth and health are gifts from Allah, and we should use them to help others.
- Humility: Never forget where you came from, and always remember that everything can be taken away in an instant.
- Trust in Allah: True faith is demonstrated through actions, not just words.
This story is a reminder that our blessings in life are a test. Will we be grateful and generous, or will we deny the favors of Allah? The blind man’s sincerity and gratitude earned him Allah’s pleasure, while the others lost everything due to their arrogance.
May Allah (SWT) grant us the ability to be grateful for His blessings and to use them for the benefit of others. Ameen.